
If you’re like many business owners, you want to think and plan strategically, but you’re immersed in day-to-day activities. Strategic thinking takes a back seat.

As one business owner said, “I need to get away from the office just to think!” His market has changed over time. He knows he needs to rethink his vision and business model.

It’s time for him to stop generating tactical ideas that don’t work.

If you want to put strategy back on your radar, here are a few things you can do:

1.   Put “STRATEGIC THINKING TIME” on your calendar.Set aside an hour or two — at least once a month — to think about the direction and vision for your business. Don’t allow yourself to focus on how you will achieve it — just consider new possibilities without ruling them out. No judgment allowed.

2.   Increase your brainpower. Schedule an informal “strategy meeting” with a few stakeholders or peers to generate ideas and feedback. This is not a formal planning session. Instead it’s an opportunity to generate fresh ideas, some of which you may not have considered. Or you can float some ideas of your own. Do this over coffee or lunch. The experience will likely benefit those who attend as well by triggering ideas for their own business. Business owners and executives who feel isolated in their role benefit tremendously from this exercise.

3.   Cut back on some commitments.Reassess what you really need to be involved in. If you’re not able to focus on strategy as a top priority in your role, where are you spending your time and energy? Purge projects or activities that don’t align with your highest priorities. Let them go or delegate responsibilities to other people. Get serious about sharpening your focus!

Author: Gayle Lantz is a leadership consultant, author, speaker and founder of WorkMatters, Inc., ( a consulting firm dedicated to helping leaders think and work smarter. Learn more at our Contributors tab.

Tags : business ownersbusiness strategystrategic thinkingtactical ideas

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